Ductless Systems

Need Ductless Systems Installation? Have a Certified Chicago Professional Explain it to You

Plumbers 911 Has Licensed Technicians Available 24/7

Ductless Systems | Illinois Plumbing ServicesDuctless systems are a relatively new innovation in the indoor climate control arena. Instead of relying on one or two large units to heat or cool the entire building, they employ a system comprised of a smaller unit located outside supplemented by one or more small units located in different zones inside the building. Because the units they use are smaller than traditional heating or cooling units, installation is easier and requires much less invasive work than installing a traditional furnace or air conditioning unit. If you have a ductless system, or if you are considering one, you doubtless already know of the numerous benefits they bring. However, these highly technical systems do require occasional maintenance, just as traditional HVAC components do. If you have a ductless system and you need to have it serviced, we at Plumbers 911 are here to help you! Call us today and we can put you in touch with a licensed professional in the Chicago area who can perform the maintenance you need or install a new system for you.

Use a Certified Chicago Technician for Ductless System Maintenance or Installation

Split ductless systems are incredibly efficient when compared to traditional heating and cooling options. If you are looking for a great way to save on your utility bills you will be hard pressed to find a better option than employing ductless air conditioning to cool your building and a ductless heat pump to keep you warm in the winter. Instead of requiring costly renovations such as tearing out walls and installing traditional ductwork, a ductless system can be installed in as little as a single day, and the units can be mounted right on a wall or ceiling. A small 3-inch hole is needed to run the pipes connecting the components of a multi-split ductless system to each other, so installation and clean up can be accomplished with a minimum of mess and expense.
The advantages of a ductless system are many, including:
  • Flexibility. Instead of muddling through using a one-size-fits-all approach using traditional HVAC equipment that may be too large or too small for the job, you can tailor-fit your HVAC system to meet your needs exactly.
  • Efficiency. You save money when using a ductless system because you only pay to heat or cool the part of the building in which there are currently occupants. No more paying to heat or cool empty rooms and crawl spaces.
  • Cleaner air. Traditional HVAC systems use a series of ducts running through the walls and under the flooring. Over time, these ducts collect dust and debris and must be professionally cleaned. This can be costly, and can leave behind allergens such as mold or pollen spores. In contrast, a ductless system can employ a specialized filtration system using each individual unit. The filters can be changed at each unit quickly and easily. As a result the air you breathe will be cleaner.
  • Think green. Using a ductless system will lower your carbon footprint. In today’s world, we all must do our part to take care of the environment. Using a ductless system will go a long way towards helping take care of our planet.
If you are going to install a ductless system, it is worth your while to have it done correctly. Likewise, if your ductless system needs to be maintained or repaired, you should insist on using a properly credentialed and licensed Chicago technician for the job. Here at Plumbers 911 we maintain a database of licensed and certified professional plumbing technicians. When you contact us, we consult our database and put you in touch with a professional in the Chicago area who specializes in the type of assistance you need. We take the guesswork out of hiring a plumber. No more wondering whether the person you’re inviting into your home or business is actually properly credentialed. No more wondering about the experience level of the individual crawling around in your cellar working on your plumbing fixtures. When you use a technician from Plumbers 911 you can rest assured that he or she is among the best in the field and he or she has had all of the proper licensing and training required to deliver quality service.

Other Reasons to Use a Licensed Chicago Plumbing Professional

Gardner plumbing servicesIn addition to making sure that your maintenance and/or installation is done the right way without cutting corners, there are other advantages to using our service to locate the right contractor for your situation. One of the primary reasons is transparency in the service provided and the work being done on your home or business. As you may know, many “plumbers” that you call will arrive at your facility, brush past you at the door, and get to work banging around on your pipes and fixtures without so much as a word of explanation. While this may seem understandable because they are probably busy, at the same time it can lead to problems for you, the customer. If you have someone in your home or business doing work on your ductless system you have the right to know what’s going on. You should not run the risk of being charged for costly, unnecessary repairs simply because you weren’t kept in the loop as to what the “plumber” is doing. Our plumbing contractors are friendly and approachable. They will happily sit down with you and discuss what they are doing and why they are doing it. They will answer your questions and do their best to ensure that you are educated about your ductless system. If you are facing multiple options, they will explain each option as well as the reasons for and against pursuing it. And they will always make sure you are aware of the potential cost of each option before beginning work.

To all our friends and customers regarding COVID-19

We will get through this together To say we are living in “unprecedented” challenging times would be an understatement. We hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. We would like to list a few pieces of information and websites that we think will be helpful for you during this time.

  • To get the most current information on the COVID-19 virus, please check the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) website at: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/factsheets.html
  • icon showing hand under faucet with large water droplets falling on hand Please wash your hands frequently. Washing with soap and water for twenty seconds is the preferred method, however when water is not available, please use an alcohol based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • icon of person covering mouth while coughing and a border separating from displeased person close by Practice social distancing by staying at least six feet away from another person.
  • For those of you with children that are looking for something fun to do, there are virtual field trips you can take with your kids that are fun and educational. Here is a link: https://artsandculture.google.com/partner

Plumbers are considered essential workers during this time and we will continue to work as our number one priority is to “protect the health of the nation.” Stay well, stay safe and we will get through this together.

Your Friends at Plumbers 911

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